3 Yoga Outfits to Enhance Your Practice

Yoga Legging Recommendations

Whether you’re practicing yin yoga, vinyasa yoga, trauma-informed yoga, etc…it’s important to feel comfortable in what you’re wearing. My default “uniform” was to always throw on a pair of my compression yoga leggings and a tank no matter what the yoga class. Same? It’s easy to do! I started changing up my yoga wardrobe when I began to notice the tight leggings that were fantastic for vinyasa classes, distracted me in yin or trauma-informed yoga. So let’s talk about different styles of yoga leggings to help you get the most out of your yoga class.

  1. Comfy Yoga Outfit

Colorfulkoala Leggings / Dickies Tank

I’m all about my comfy yoga outfits! You’ll find me wearing this combo of yoga joggers and muscle tank constantly. I wear it teaching my private session clients or practicing yin yoga. After I wear this outfit, I’m always up to do laundry so I can wear it again! This is a great outfit for your budget because these high quality leggings come at you with a much lower price point. The yoga joggers pictured are in Colorfulkoala’s Olive color.

2. Vinyasa or Power Yoga Outfit

Tank in Mist / Yoga Leggings

The color blue on this tank is a magnet for me! When I saw this color tank top from Greater Than Sports Clothing, I added it to my yoga “uniform” rotation right away. I have two tests for a vinyasa tank. If it rolls up into my face during downward facing dog it’s a no go. Second, if it’s rolling up on the bottom seam it distracts me the whole class by having to pull it down. This tank passed both of my tests so I love wearing this in my vinyasa practice! GTS is a made to order company in Upstate New York. When you make an order with them they quickly send it into production, just for you!

3. The In-Between Yoga Outfit

Tencel Tie Tee / Lululemon Wonder Under/ Hugger Mugger Sandbag/ Hugger Mugger Block

Not every yoga class is pure vinyasa or yin, so it’s nice to have transition outfit. I wear this for gentle yoga classes, pranayama practice, or really? Just lounging around the house. The tie on here adds a fun detail to your yoga style! The short sleeves offer a nice seasonal transition piece for September. You can find this Tencel Tie Tee through Greater Than Sports clothing. They have many different color options but I’m wearing their lilac color.

All photos taken by my lovely friend Lauren Hammons

*Full disclosure, these are affiliate links. Meaning you pay the exact same, and I get a little kickback for sharing what I would probably share anyways! 25% of what I make through affiliate links goes to bringing yoga therapy to those without resources.

Stacie JoyStacie Joy Yoga